Thursday, March 11, 2010

The FLIP is plum Bum genius!

This my first post ever about cloth diapers, and it has been much anticipated for a LONG time! It's actually been about two years in the making. When my son was nearing one I began my search on the subject. I was very pleased to find that cloth diapers had come a looooong way from what you think of when you hear the words, "cloth diapering." But just as that was a good thing, it also complicated things quite a bit. You see, there were many options, MANY MANY MANY options and I kept getting overwhelmed. Plus there was this whole new language to learn...snappies, indian/ chinese prefolds, capris, AIO's....the list was endless and I had to make notes to keep it all straight. I knew that I had to make a good choice because if I didn't like what I chose to begin with, I would give up and never look back. But I reallllly wanted to cloth diaper. I didn't know ANYONE that cloth diapered and most people will look at you cross-eyed if you mention it. Why in the world would you want to do that!?!? I knew there HAD to be people cloth diapering because all these companies on the internet would not be in existence if I were the only one (and had yet to make a purchase.) But then guess what??? I found out that TONS of you are cloth diapering out there! Especially the ones of you that have or are planning to have a large family as we are. I was so comforted to find out that there are many families out there just like us---we don't meet them often. So... FINALLY after hours (and probably days if you added it all together) of research, and with the ever so patient help of Grace - I made an order!

I chose the FLIP by Bumgenius. They seemed to have great reviews and met my criteria. So yesterday I got them in the mail and I could NOT wait to get them on the bum's in this house! Of course you have to pre-wash them which I'm pretty sure was the LONGEST wash and dry cycle EVER! Luckily with Flips you only have to do it ONE time before use.

I really don't like spending money up front on something that I'm not sure of, so we bought just enough to give us a sample. Ezra is wearing pull-ups during the day and only uses diapers overnight or when we go out.

Here is what we got: 2 covers (Zinnia and Grasshopper)

And 6 inserts: We chose the Stay Dry, but there is also the option of organic (and disposable inserts, but we would probably just use a disposable diaper in that case)

It's super easy! To change a diaper you just pull out the dirty insert and replace it with a clean one. Usually you can reuse the cover a couple of times. And I LOVE the one sizing with the snaps! Even though Ezra and Poppy weigh about 15 lbs. different, they can both use the same covers. ( Although I wouldn't put Ezra in pink :)  ) But this will be great when I order more gender neutral colors.

So we were ready to go! We were getting ready to leave for church so I was really hoping they worked well! (I brought them both a change of clothes just in case) We made it all the way through church and back home with no leaks! I was amazed!!! I changed them both and was so happy to find everything very well contained. I also used them last night and they worked great! It says you can use 2 inserts for heavy wetters for overnight, but I only used one and we were fine.

(Please excuse the mess- this picture session was taken at the end of play time :)  )

So, there it is! If you are considering buying these, I would highly recommend them. I am already planning my next order!

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