Thursday, January 28, 2010

A look back at 4 great years!

Happy Anniversary to my sweet and wonderful husband! It has been the BEST 4 years of my life!

I can still remember anxiously getting ready before the wedding. I was getting my pictures taken...

...and so were YOU!

...and then before I knew it, we were MR. and MRS. BAILEY heading out the door!



We have had some REALLY fun times!!!

Honeymoon to the Bahamas! 2006

Remember how good dinner was that night? YUM!

(I am holding you to your promise that you are taking me back there!)

New York in January!
COLD COLD COLD...what were we thinking???

...and a few Beach Trips and BIG bellies (me, NOT you)

We had some sleepless nights... aka EZRA - August 2007

...and Poppy July 2009

 and some days that have just WORN US OUT!!!

 But I am SO thankful that I got to spend them all with YOU!

I hope and pray that God will bless us with MANY more happy years together and a house full of these...!!!

I love you dearly and just wanted to wish you again, A HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

p.s. your next clue is in the dryer :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary MOM and DAD!

Hope you have had a wonderful 27 years of marriage and I am really looking forward to seeing what you two are up to in 27 more years--2037! WOW! Have a wonderful day and weekend! You are THE BEST parents in the entire world! (Zach and I have agreed on this many times, so the vote in unanimous)
We love you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What we've been up to...

Let me just start by saying...we don't get out much. I mean really- we don't. Partly because it is a crazy charade every time we pack up and walk out the front door, but mostly because that's how I like it. As John Mayer says, "I was born a house cat by the slight of my mother's hand." Thanks mom. Being at home is just better than being anywhere else...and that statement triples in meaning when you have two, two and under :) So for your enjoyment today I am emptying out pictures from my camera and camera phone. This may or may not even be interesting to grandparents, but for those of you who don't know us...I am amazed when I see hundreds of hits on here a week because I can't imagine what on earth could possibly interest you. we go!

Snuggle time on mommy and daddy's bed. I have been clearing out and organizing this week, so that means Poppy and Ezra have spent their days playing in rooms that they usually don't spend too much time in. They don't seem to mind and I think they are kind of enjoying the change of scenery. We piled some toys up on top of our bed and they played and snuggled for quite some time while I cleaned. I'm so glad that they like being together so much!

These pictures just crack me up! Poppy is already starting to pester her BIG brother! He was trying to watch TV and she just kept grabbing his hair and poking at his head. They are so funny!

She's starting to think she is pretty funny!

Ezra has really been enjoying cooking up all sorts of things in his kitchen and he likes to have Poppy help.

She likes to help me too! This sweet little face makes doing the dishes a lot more FUN!

And last but not least...
 Have you ever seen those TV shows where they redo a room with cool "junk" they find around the house...Like they will do an entire designer room makeover using 4 wooden nickels and an old boot they found in the attic, (okay that may be a little exaggeration) but I'm always thinking...Who has stuff like that lying around??? Not me.
Well these are my new curtains I got just for the price of cleaning out Poppys' closet! They aren't REALLY new, but I found them from the old house and decided to hang them up in our room since it goes with our color scheme. I still have to paint the walls and get the wrinkles out, but I am pretty happy with the way they look. I even used holes that were already existing and they were the perfect height to make the pooling just right at the bottom! I can't even do it that good when I try!

Not as good as the boot makeover, but I think that's as good as it's gonna get around this house!
Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 so far...

So this is the first post of 2010!!! If you know us you may be wondering what's going on with the new layout...afterall, we aren't newlyweds!!! That is true, HOWEVER...on the 28th of this month FOUR years ago- we were. One of the best days of my life I became Mrs. Bailey! I still can't believe it has been almost four years. We have been through one apartment, two houses, five vehicles and two kids...amoung many other things. It really has been a crazy and busy four years. We had no idea the things that God had planned for our lives and He always has us hanging on the edge wondering what comes next. I am so excited to see what this year brings for our family! I hope that one day four years will turn into forty...just not too soon!

On a different note, we have not been up to much lately. It is too cold to be up to anything!!! Here are some random pictures from the new year so far...

Did you know that in our house, in Ezra's actual room...

is an island????

That's right. "The Island of Sodor" in all its glory!
(and the head conductor sitting in the middle)

That is what Ezra has been up to all year- YES ALL 5 DAYS!

Don't fret, little Poppy has an interest that she is just as passionate about lately.


Well, kind of real food. It's mashed and strained and...define 'real'. Well anyways, she likes it.

Let me illustrate.

This was her first bite of sweet potatoes today.

Don't let the face fool you, she liked LOVED them!

Once she figured out that they were pretty yummy, she grabbed the spoon in my hand and started shoving it in her mouth with all her might!

(Notice the death grip she has on the spoon. I had to PRY her fingers off!)

...and she was a little sad when we finished.

"Hey, where's the rest of my sweet potatoes!?"

Oh Poppy!