Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What a difference a week makes!

This past week has brought some MAJOR changes around the Bailey household. My husband started a new job, we sold a car, we remodeled part of our kitchen and we got some highly anticipated iphones! Wow, I'm exhausted just rethinking about it. Let me just say that we have certainly had some prayers answered. Sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours, but this can happen with the blessings just as well as it happens with the hard times. When struggles seem endless, don't give up on the Lord-He is still there loving you and planning HIS way to see you through! I just needed to share how thankful I am to a God that is ALWAYS there for me and for YOU, because sometimes it is hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, but his light never goes out-even when we don't know that we can see it. I have listened to this song by one of my favorites, Tenth Avenue North, about 80 million times and it always makes me feel better...I hope you will give it a listen too.


P.S. The whole cd is amazing if you're interested!

1 comment:

Sheila Horn said...

Uuuummmmm.....where are the pics? You KNOW I need pics!! Sips