Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The first week is flying by! The second baby is SO much easier than the first. I was a wreck with Ezra, but now I know what I'm doing... (mostly;) There have been some rough patches and I would LOVE to have a little extra sleep and I somehow contracted a booger bear of a head cold that I'm dealing with currently, but how can I not be absolutely over the moon about this little girl!!! Ezra is a great helper too! He likes to bring diapers and blankets and he will even throw "dirty's" in the trash can! What more could a mom ask for? Here's some pics to update you on life at the Bailey's...

This is Poppy's first at home bath. It started out a little rocky but then she decided it was pretty relaxing and fell asleep. She is a good little sleeper, but likes sleeping more during the day than at night!

Bubsie loves his Poppy and likes to point out her eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Most of the day, this is what you will find Poppy doing, just don't plan on seeing this at 3 am!!!

This little face says, "Geez, enough with the kisses!!!" Oh the things babies have to endure.

More sleepy time... I like how she poses her little hands, such a little lady, even at 5 days old! :)

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!!! Think of me when you get up to pee!!!

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