Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dinner and Dogs

We've just been hanging around lately. The vegetarian diet is going quite well and we have both lost weight. i am really enjoying chopping and cooking vegetable rather than meat- SO much easier, SO much less "ickiness." I am learning to LOVE cheat day and I now savor every morsel of eating out or getting a dessert. We were so spoiled before and just scarfed down food at a restaurant because it wasn't really a treat, but now it tastes so good and we really appreciate it! This is one of our meals from last week- not too bad huh?
We took a trip last weekend to Tahlequah to go to the Red Fern Festival. It was really fun and I loved seeing the hound dogs. I teared up when I saw some like our dog Annie that we had when I was growing up and that really caught me off guard. I was pretty embarrassed and not expecting that at all, but sometimes things just hit you like that I guess. Here are some pictures of the field trials that were pretty fun to watch (although I felt really sorry for the raccoon.)
Ezra enjoyed listening to the music and his free balloon!
and look who is becoming an expert crawler...
I didn't think she was ever going to crawl because Ezra never did. He just walked and skipped crawling altogether, but she has gotten really good at it and I have been a very busy lady!

Have a great weekend! Eat some veggies!!!

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