Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mermaid Boy!

Have you ever had one of those moments when something that might tickle someone just CRACKS YOU UP! Well, Ezra and I had a moment like that this morning. We are currently potty training, and with that come Lots and lots of pants up and pants down. We do this about a million times a day and with Poppy waiting on us, we usually have to make it pretty fast so we can get back to her before she starts crying. THIS TIME we were hurrying and he puts his legs back in his pants and I yanked them up and ran off. He usually is right behind me but he was moving kind of slow. I turned around to see him doing the mermaid shuffle. I looked at him and he looked down at his pants and then at me and we both just died laughing! I have never seen him laugh like this- it was HILARIOUS!

He was a little embarrassed when I made him stand there to take a picture to show daddy. (and you)

(Notice the extra pant leg just hanging there)

But then he was smiling again!

Can I just express how Ecstatic I am that this precious boy has the same humor that I do?

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