Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bake Day 2009

This year we decided to have a "Bake Day" at my mom's house. We all brought our cookie dough to share and make up several cookie trays for Christmas. It was so much fun!

Poppy got to sit in the middle of all the action and watch Granny while Bubsie made a train depot underneath the table.

Poppy was really wanting some cookies!

                         This one looks good.....                                          ...but these look good too!

Poor Poppy!

But she was still happy!

 Mick, Kristen, and mom baking away!

 Kristen and Ezra took some time out to cuddle...

...and so did Granny and Pops.

You better keep an eye on those cookies Mick-Thomas is a sneaky one!!!!

I scooped and Kristen balled-we made quite a comical assembly line!

Dancing makes the cookie bake faster!

They wore themselves out and had to take a breather...

But Mick was a trooper and kept on going!

 Mom inspected to make sure things were exactly to Santa's specifications.

 Lookin' good!

The boys were SO EXCITED and could hardly wait! Ha!

The finished product! Not too bad for a days work! :)

Happy Christmas Baking!

1 comment:

hper said...

I LOVE Ezra in his beads... those are all the rage at our house now also! Cookies look great!

Heather P